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Antenna Holders/Baluns

VHA 9103 BHolder / Balun without telescopic dipole elements (for use with Biconical BBA 9106, BBAL 9136, BBAK 9137, BBVK 9138, FBAB 9177) [Photo of VHA 9103 B with BBA 9106]
HFBA 9122HF-VHF Broadband balun / holder
(0.1) 0.15 - 300 (500) MHz
especially to measure very high field strength. BBAL 9136, BBA 9106, BBAK 9137
BBVU 9135 or BBUK 9139 biconical elements required.
VHBA 9123Antenna Holder / Balun for Bicon. Broad Band Antenna
(e.g. BBA 9106, BBAL 9136, BBAK 9137)
50 / 200 Ohm
better antenna factor below 50 MHz, also EMV application 100 W
VHBB 9124Antenna Holder / Balun for Bicon. Broad Band Antenna
50:200 Ohm
(better antenna factor for lower frequency end) for use with BBA 9106, BBAL 9136, BBAK 9137, BBVK 9138, FBAB 9177, FBAL 9178
VHBC 9133Antenna holder / balun
50:200 Ohm
1 kW
for biconical or collapsible elements (BBA 9106, BBAL 9136, BBFA 9146, FBAB 9177, FBAL 9178)
[VSWR][Fieldstrength VHBC9133 + BBA9106]
VHBD 9134High power antenna holder / balun
50:200 Ohm
2.5 kW
20-200 MHz
for biconical or collapsible elements BBFA 9146
VHBD 9134 OPT 7/16Option: 7/16 connector
VHBD 9134-4high power antenna holder / balun
for BBAL 9136 or BBFA 9146
50:200 Ohm
20-200 MHz
4 kW
7/16-female connector
UBAA 9114Broadband Balun/Holder
30-1000 MHz
5 W
low loss
BBVU 9135, BBUK 9139, BAOC 9216 or BBOC 9217 elem. required
UBAA 9115Broadband Balun/Holder
30-1000 MHz
5 W
extremely high symmetry
BBVU 9135, BBUK 9139, BAOC 9216 or BBOC 9217 elem. Required

Biconical elements

BBA 9106Biconical Elements, 30-300 MHz, requires VHA 9103 B, VHBC, VHBB or VHBA[Picture]
BBAL 9136Biconical Elements, 20-200 MHz, requires VHA 9103 B, VHBC, VHBB or VHBA
BBAK 9137Biconical Elements, 45-450 MHz broad band, requires VHA 9103, VHBB or VHBA
BBVK 9138Biconical Elements, 60-600 MHz broad band, requires VHA 9103, VHBB or VHBA
BBVU 9135Biconical Elements, (30)100-1000 MHz (like VUBA), for UBAA 9114/9115
BBUK 9139Biconical Elements, 160-1200 MHz broad band (like UBA), for UBAA 9114/9115

Collapsible or open Conical elements

BBFA 9146Large collapsible aluminium Elements with extensions up to 4 m
FBAB 9177Collapsible Biconical Elements 30 – 300 MHz (instead of BBA 9106)
FBAL 9178Large Collapsible Biconical Elements 20 – 200 MHz (instead of BBAL 9136)
BAOC 9216Open Conical Elements, 160-1200 MHz broad band, for UBAA 9114/9115
BBOC 9217Open Conical Elements, (30)100-1000 MHz broad band, for UBAA 9114/9115

Logarithmic Periodic Broadband Antennas

UHALP 9108 ALog.-Periodic Antenna, alum. Tubing, 250 – 2400 MHz, low loss, 1 kW power[Dimensions][Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength][Picture]
VUSLP 9111Log.-Periodic Antenna, alum. Tubing, 200 – 2300 (4000) MHz, low loss, 1 kW power[Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength][Picture]
VUSLP 9111 BLog.-Periodic Antenna, alum. Tubing, (180) 200 - 3000 (4000) MHz, low loss, 1 kW power[Correction][Fieldstrength]
VUSLP 9111 ELog.-Per. Antenna, aluminium tubing, 1 kW power, 70 (65)-3000 (4000) MHz. Recommended adapter: KG 9201. EN 61000-4-3[Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
VULP 9118 ALog.-Per. Antenna, aluminium tubing, 1 kW power, 180 -1500 (2000) MHz[Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
VULP 9118 BLog.-Per. Antenna, aluminium tubing, 1 kW power, 160-1500 (2000) MHz[Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength][Picture]
VULP 9118 CLog.-Per. Antenna, aluminium tubing, 1 kW power, 100-1400 (2000) MHz[Radiation Pattern][VSWR]
VULP 9118 DLog.-Per. Antenna, aluminium tubing, 1 kW power, (80) 95 –1500 (1800) MHz[Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
VULP 9118 ELog.-Per. Antenna, aluminium tubing, 1 kW power, 75 (50)-1500 MHz.[Radiation Pattern][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
VULP 9118 E specialNearly identical gain as VULP 9118 E but with reduced width. Special = folded longest elements.[Correction][Fieldstrength][Picture]
VULP 9118 FLog.-Per. Antenna, al. tubing, end discs, 1 kW power, 55 -1800 MHz
VULP 9118 GLog.-Per. Antenna, al. tubing, end discs, 1 kW power, 45 -1500 MHz[Correction][Fieldstrength]
VULP 9118 D/E/F/G SpecialNearly identical gain as VULP 9118 D/E/F/G but with reduced width. Extra charge added to the basic model. Special = folded longest elements.VULP 9118 D special
VULP 9118 HLog.-Per. Antenna, aluminium tubing, 1 kW power, (26) 30 - 1500 (1800) MHz, N-connector gain 6 dBi, VSWR<3, width 5.2 m, length 4.8 m, weight 35 kg.[Radiation Pattern][Manual]
VULP 9118 H Option WPOption: grey coating and sealing for outdoor use
USLP 9142UHF – SHF Log. – Per. Antenna, 0.7 – 5 (8) GHz[Dimensions][Radiation Pattern][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
USLP 9143UHF – SHF Log. – Per. Antenna, (0.25) 0.3 – 5 (7) GHz[Dimensions][Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
USLP 9143 BUHF – SHF Log. – Per. Antenna, (0.18) 0.2 – 7 (8) GHz[Correction]
ESLP 9145UHF – EHF Log. – Per. Antenna, (0.7) 1- 18 (20) GHz, N-connector. A new low attenuation cover allows measurements with radome. For older models with S/N<184 check manual![Radiation Pattern][VSWR][Fieldstrength][Picture]
XSLP 9142Dual Polarized UHF-SHF Log.-Per. Antenna, 800 MHz – 3(5) GHz, 50 W[Radiation Pattern][Picture]
XSLP 9143Dual Polarized UHF-SHF Log.-Per. Antenna, 300 MHz – 3(5.5) GHz, 50 W

Stacked Logarithmic Periodic Broadband Antennas

STLP 9128 CStacked double Log.-Per. Antenna, typ. gain: 9 dBi, alum. Tubing, high power, (150) 200 - 1500 (4000) MHz, N-connector 1 kW[Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR][Picture]
STLP 9128 C Opt. 7/16Option: with 7/16-connector 3 kW
STLP 9128 C Opt. 13-30Option: with [13-30-connector] limited to 2500 MHz but higher power up to 8 kW including adapter similar to AA 9202[Picture]
STLP 9128 DStacked double Log.-Per. Antenna, typ. gain: 9 dBi, alum. Tubing, high power, 80 -3000 (4000) MHz, N-connector, [fastlinks] for quick removal of the rear parts of the antenna. Recommended Adapter: AA 9209
STLP 9128 D Opt. 7/16Option: with 7/16-connector 3 kW
STLP 9128 EStacked double Log.-Per. Antenna, typ. gain: 9 dBi, alum. Tubing, high power, (65) 80 -1500 (3000) MHz, N-connector 1 kW, [fastlinks] for quick removal of the rear parts of the antenna. Recommended Adapter: AA 9209[Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR]
STLP 9128 E Opt. 7/16Option: with 7/16-connector 3 kW
STLP 9128 E specialLike STLP 9128 E but with folded longest elements and smaller structure angle. Antenna diameter < 150 cm. [Fastlinks] for quick removal of the rear parts of the antenna. Recommended Adapter: AA 9209[Picture]
STLP 9128 E special Option 7/16Option: with 7/16 connector 3 kW
STLP 9148Stacked double Log.-Per. Antenna, typ. gain: 9 dBi (0.7) 1 – 18 (20) GHz, N-connector[Radiation Pattern][Fieldstrength]
STLP 9149Stacked double Log.-Per. Antenna for IEC 61000-4-3 typ. gain 10.3 dBi, (0,6) 0,7 – 9 (10,5) GHz, N-connector female.[Radiation Pattern][Correction][Fieldstrength]
STLP 100-500Stacked double Log.-Per. Antenna, typ. Gain: 11 dBi, alum. Tubing, high power, (75) 100 – 500 (550) MHz, 13/30 (f)-connector 5 kW, dimensions: 166x178x402 cm, 52 kg

Biconic Logarithmic Periodic Antennas (Hybrid)

VULB 9160TRILOG Super Broadband test Antenna, (25) 30 – 1000 (1700) MHz, 10 W[Dimensions][Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR]
VULB 9161TRILOG Super Broadband test Antenna, 30 – 1000 (2000) MHz, 1 kW[Dimensions][Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
VULB 9161 SETRILOG Super Broadband test Antenna, 30 – 1000 (2000) MHz, 1 kW with short Triangle elements, diameter < 150 cm.[Correction with triangle extensions][Dimensions]
VULB 9163TRILOG Super Broadband test Antenna, (25) 30 – 3000 (4000) MHz, 100 W (200 W)[Radiation Pattern][Correction1][Correction2][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
VULB 9165LOGBICON Super Broadband test Antenna, (20) 30 – 1500 (2000) MHz, 10 W, BBAL Elem.[Dimensions][Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR][Picture]
VULB 9166LOGBICON Super Broadband test Antenna, 20 – 1500 MHz, 1 kW, BBAL El.[Dimensions][Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR][Fieldstrength]
VULB 9168TRILOG Super Broadb. Test Antenna, (25) 30-1000 (2000) MHz, 10 W, reduced width, diameter < 1.5 m.[Dimensions][Radiation Pattern][Correction][VSWR]
Opt. Triext.Option for VULB 9163, VULB 9161, VULB 9161 SE: angled Triangle Extensions to increase the gain by typ. 6 dB below 70 MHz.

Biconical Antennas

RS 16Vertical polarized microwave biconical antenna (0,5) 1 – 6 (8,5) GHz with omni directional H-plane pattern.
RE 1790Vertical polarized VHF- UHF biconical antenna (170) 230 – 1000 (1100) MHz with omni directional H-plane pattern.
RE 4590Vertical polarized VHF- UHF biconical antenna (330) 450 – 1000 (1100) MHz with omni directional H-plane pattern.
SBA 9112Small Biconical Microwave Antenna (1) 3 – 18 GHz, 10 W including transport case. CIS/A/648/CDV CISPR16-1-4:2007-02 Ed. 2.0 Site validation above 1 GHz.E-plane patternH-plane patternMini version on request[VSWR][Fieldstrength][Picture]
SBA 9113Small Biconical Microwave Antenna 0.5 – 3 GHz, 20 W. CIS/A/648/CDV CISPR16-1-4:2007-02 Ed. 2.0 Site validation above 1 GHzMini version on request [Radiation Pattern][VSWR][Fieldstrength][Picture]
SBA 9113 BSmall Biconical Antenna 80 MHz – 3 GHz for harmonics measurements acc. to IEC61000-4-3.
UBA 9116Biconical UHF broad band antenna (160) 300 -1000 (1100) MHz[Picture with CCA][VSWR][Picture]
VUBA 9117Biconical VHF-UHF broad band antenna (30) 150 -1000 MHz
SBA 9119Small biconical microwave antenna 1 – 6 GHz, 20 W. CIS/A/648/CDV CISPR 16-1-4 Site evaluation above 1 GHz.


VHA 9103VHF Half-Wave Dipole with 2 sets of telescopic elements, 30-300 MHz
UHA 9105Tuneable UHF – Half – Wave Dipole, 300 – 1000 MHz w. telescopic elements[Element Extension length][Picture]
UHA 9125 CTuneable UHF – Half – Wave Dipole with EMI – Balun, 0.75 – 2 GHz with 4 sets of elements, LE = 180, 140, 100, 80 mm.[Radiation Pattern][VSWR]
UHA 9125 DTuneable UHF – Half – Wave Dipole with EMI – Balun, 1.0 – 3 (4) GHz with 6 sets of elements, LE = 140, 114, 90, 72, 60, 48 mm[VSWR][Picture]

Precision Dipoles

VHAPVHF Precision Dipole 30-300 MHz, 2 sets of telescopic elements (mostly required in pairs) CISPR 16-1-5[Manual]
UHAPUHF Precision Dipole 300-1000 MHz (VHAP & UHAP mostly required in pairs) CISPR 16-1-5[Manual]
CCACarrying and storing case for 2 x VHAP or 2 x UHAP, cases for other antennas also available.
VHAPACalibration adaptor for VHAP Precision Dipoles
UHAPACalibration adaptor for UHAP Precision Dipoles

Handy, FM-and TV bands antennas

FT 01 SAdditional elements for enhanced FM broadcast directivity[Data1][Data2]
FT 01 UKWFM broadcast and TV bands antenna, detachable, 47 – 860 (1000) MHz, high directivity
NMHANMHA Antenna Set to test immunity against handy transmitters according to NISSAN standard. Consists of the following antennas: NMHA 28 Normal mode tuned helical 28 MHz, NMHA 52 Normal mode tuned helical 52 MHz, NMHA 122 Normal mode tuned helical 122 MHz, NMHA 145 Normal mode tuned helical 145 MHz, NMHA 155 Normal mode tuned helical 155 MHz, NMHA 165 Normal mode tuned helical 165 MHz, NMHA 223 Normal mode tuned helical 223 MHz, TQWA 410-455 Tuned Quarter wavelength antenna 410-455MHz, UHA 9125 C Tuned half-wave dipole 0.75-2 GHz, TSA 1270 Tuned Sleeve antenna 1.27 GHz, TSA 1440 Tuned Sleeve antenna 1.44 GHz, TSA 1750 Tuned Sleeve antenna 1.75 GHz, TSA 1950 Tuned Sleeve antenna 1.95 GHz and a transport case.
WAND0918Wireless Immunity “Wand” Antenna acc. to Dell Specification „SYSTEM IMMUNITY TO WIRELESS GSM TEST REQUIREMENT” 800 MHz -2 GHz.

Standard Gain Antennas

SGA...Standard Gain Antennas, typ. 9.8 dBi gain, 60° pattern, accurately calibrated (2 half-wave dipoles in front of a lambda x lambda reflector, design frequencies approx. 400-2800 MHzSGA 900SGA 1800

Active Antennas

VAMP 9243Vertical active rod antenna, 9 kHz - 30 MHz, BNC, reduced noise floor, with mounting nut for AM 9144 and rechargeable battery.
VAMP 9243 Opt. GPOption: Aluminium-Groundplane, 0.6 x 0.6 m
VAMP 9243 Opt. ACS 410Option: Charger ACS 410
VAMP 9243 Opt. VTOption 20 dB plug in divider to measure high field strength[Picture]
VAMP 9243 Opt. CA 9243Calibration Adapter for VAMP 9243
EFS 9218Active Electric Field Probe with Biconical Elements, 9 kHz - 300 MHz, 12 µV/m - 65 V/m, const. antenna factor typ. 46 dB/m high symmetry, built in rechargeable battery[Manual]
EFS 9218 Opt. ACS 410Option: Automatic charger ACS 410 for EFS 9218
EFS 9218 Opt. VVOption: built in broadband preamplifier. Antenna factor 20 dB/m, disengageable.[Picture]
EFS 9219Active antenna holder, high sensitivity (1 µV/m … 3 V/m), 9 kHz-30 MHz, BBUK 9139 biconical elements required.
EFS 9219 Opt. RohrOption: Isolating tube with braid chokes for EFS 9219
EFS 9219 Opt. ACS 410Option: Automatic charger Ansmann ACS 410 for EFS 9219

Passive Antennas

VPMP 9242Vertical passive rod antenna, 10 - 40 MHz, possible rods: FBAB 9177, FBAL 9178, BBA 9106, BBAL 9136 ( rod must be ordered extra)
VPMP 9242 Opt. GPOption: Aluminium groundplane 0.6 x 0.6 m

Passive Magnetic Antennas, TX-Loop Antennas

HFRA 5148Circular Transmitting Loop Antenna diam. 180 mm, 1 turn
HFRA 5150Transmitting Loop Antenna w. broad band transformers and 50 Ohm load 5 W included (with external dummy load max. 100 W), size 0.6m x 0.6 m, 9 kHz – 30 MHz, 3/8” camera thread[Data]
HFRA 5151same as model 5150, but reduced size 0.45 x 0.45 m[Data]
HFRA 5152Circular Transmitting Loop Antenna diam. 250 mm, DC-3 MHz
HFRA 5153Circular Transmitting Loop Antenna diam. 180 mm, 0-20 (30) MHz, 5 W
HFRA 5154Circular Transmitting Loop Antenna diam. 100 mm, 0.1 – 30 MHz, Transformer 50 Ohm, 0.5 W
HFRA 5155Circular Transmitting VHF – UHF loop antenna, diam. 50 mm,
HFRA 5156Circular Transmitting Loop Antenna diam. 50 mm, 0-5 MHz, 2 W, 10 turns
HFRA 5157Circular Transmitting Loop Antenna diam. 50 mm, 0-20(30) MHz, 3 W, 2 turns
HFRA 5158Circular Transmitting Loop Antenna diam. 180 mm, 0-2 MHz, 5 W, 10 turns
HFRA 5159Circular Transmitting Loop Antenna diam. 250 mm, 0-0.5MHz, 5 W
HFRA 5170Cal. Loop 3 W, diam. 100 mm, 0-30 MHz, 1 turn, 250 Ohm

Passive Magnetic Antennas, RX-Loop Antennas

HFRAE 5160Receiving VHF – UHF loop antenna, diam. 50 mm, 2-300 MHz, Transformer[Picture]
HFRAE 5161HF RX Loop, diam. 100 mm, 70 k-120 MHz, 1 turn, Transformer[Picture]
HFRAE 5162VLF-HF RX Loop, diam. 250 mm, 50 k-30 MHz, 1 turn, Transformer[Picture]

CISPR 15 3-dimensional loop antenna van Veen

HXYZ 91703-dimensional large loop antenna, diam. 2 m, acc. EN 55015 / CISPR 15, Socket and Coaxial switch recommended[Picture]
HXYZ 9170 SocketSocket and mounting equipment for large loop HXYZ 9170
HXYZ 9170 Umschaltbox3 in one coaxial switch for manual / remote operation including cable set (3 BNC cables with braid current blockers) for large loop HXYZ 9170
HFCD 9171Calibration Balun / Dipole for HXYZ 9170 (recommended accessory: AM 9144)
CDA 9271Adapter to hold HFCD 9171 on AM 9144, 3/8’’ female large camera thread.[Picture]

Active Loop Antennas Magnetic Field Probes

FMZB 1519Active magnetic loop antenna acc. to CISPR 16, 9 kHz to 30 MHz, constant antenna factor 20 dB/m, built in rechargeable battery, charger ALCS 2-24A.
HMDA 1545Handheld magnetic field meter, LCD, acustic fieldstrength indication with tone generator, 9 kHz- 50 (80) MHz, 200µA/m … 1 A/m, 6 x Type AA NiMH.[Manual][Picture]
HMDA 1545 Opt. ACS 410Option: ACS 410 charger for HMDA 1545
HFS 1546Active magnetic Field Probe with shielded 50-mm-Loop, 150 kHz – 400 MHz.[Shorter version available on request][Manual]
FMZB 1517Calibrated hand-held Magnetic Loop Antenna, 40 kHz – 30 MHz, 150 mm diam. for EMI Rcvrs. (measures H-field, fictive E-field level up to 20 V/m (53 mA/m), 20 dB/m Antenna Factor)
FMZB 1527Calibrated hand-held Magnetic Loop Antenna, 9 kHz – 30 MHz, 150 mm diam. for EMI Rcvrs. max. fictive E level 150 V/m (0.4 A/m), AF: 40 dB/m
FMZB 1537Magnetic field meter 9 kHz – 30 MHz, requires either EHMG 1623 or UEW 9210 with EMI-Receiver / Analyzer, max. fictive E level 75 V/m (0.2 A/m),
FMZB 1538Magnetic field meter 9 kHz – 30 MHz, max. fictive E level 75 V/m (0.2 A/m), separate power supply cable.
FMZB 1547Magnetic field meter 9 kHz – 30 MHz, 20A/m, requires UEW 9210 with EMI-Receiver / Analyzer
FMZB 1548Magnetic field meter 9 kHz – 30 MHz, 20A/m, with separate power supply cable
UEW 9210DC separator for coaxial power supply of probes FMZB 1537, FMZB 1547
SNUE 9211AC/DC Adaptor / Power supply 220V AC/15V DC for UEW 9210, 3.5 mm jack